A list of goods or services for which registration is requested
- A representation of the claimed trademark
- A request for trademark registration
- The filing fee being paid.
- Within three months of the date of filing, a certified copy of the priority application along with its translation into Russian or Uzbek must be submitted.
- After the filing date, a simple signed copy of the Power of Attorney must be submitted within two months. Legalisation by official decree is not necessary.
Trademark Renewal
Within three months after the date on which the decision to issue a trademark certificate was forwarded, the official fee for registration, publication, certificate issuance, and maintenance of the certificate’s initial validity period must be paid. In Uzbekistan, a trademark can be renewed every ten years and is valid for ten years after the date of filing. The final year of the current validity period is when the request for renewal should be made. In addition, the trademark may be renewed within six months after the deadline for renewal.
A list of goods or services for which registration is requested
- A representation of the claimed trademark
- A request for trademark registration
- The filing fee being paid.
- Within three months of the date of filing, a certified copy of the priority application along with its translation into Russian or Uzbek must be submitted.
- After the filing date, a simple signed copy of the Power of Attorney must be submitted within two months. Legalisation by official decree is not necessary.
Trademark Renewal
Within three months after the date on which the decision to issue a trademark certificate was forwarded, the official fee for registration, publication, certificate issuance, and maintenance of the certificate’s initial validity period must be paid. In Uzbekistan, a trademark can be renewed every ten years and is valid for ten years after the date of filing. The final year of the current validity period is when the request for renewal should be made. In addition, the trademark may be renewed within six months after the deadline for renewal.

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