Registration of trademarks Mexico is a signatory to the Madrid Protocol. The Industrial Property Law, last updated on June 28, 2010, provides the legal foundation. It was first enacted on June 27, 1991. Registration is required to acquire trademark protection. A trademark may also be obtained through adequate commercial use, albeit this right is subject to challenge within a set time frame. Mexico uses the system of first-to-file.


A formal assessment, a distinctiveness examination, and a trademark search are all part of the application procedure. The entire process, from initial submission to registration, takes three to six months. The trademark is published in the “Trademarks Gazette” following registration.

Registration of trademarks Mexico is a signatory to the Madrid Protocol. The Industrial Property Law, last updated on June 28, 2010, provides the legal foundation. It was first enacted on June 27, 1991. Registration is required to acquire trademark protection. A trademark may also be obtained through adequate commercial use, albeit this right is subject to challenge within a set time frame. Mexico uses the system of first-to-file.


A formal assessment, a distinctiveness examination, and a trademark search are all part of the application procedure. The entire process, from initial submission to registration, takes three to six months. The trademark is published in the “Trademarks Gazette” following registration.


A local agent must submit a trademark application to the Trademark and Patent Office (IMPI). Declaring on oath that someone has the authority to act on behalf of the applicant(s) is sufficient. A domestic registration is not required for foreign candidates.


In Mexico, a trademark registration is effective from the registration date for a period of ten years. Ten-year renewal periods are available for the registration.

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