Filing Trademark
Our Trademark Attorney will investigate whether Rwandan trademark registration is eligible for protection. The skilled trademark attorney will file and pursue the trademark applications at the Rwanda Trademarks Registry after the trademark has been verified.
Documents Required
- The applicant’s name, address, and country of origin;
- One copy of the suggested trademark, including word marks in regular font;
- A list of products and services;
- A list of the classes
- Application number for priority, country, and date, if applicable;
- Power of Attorney (which needs to be notarized)
Trademark Renewal
The trademark is registered for the first ten years from the date of filing, and after that, it is perpetually renewed every ten years. After paying a late renewal cost, a trademark renewal request may be made during the ten (10) month grace period following expiration.
If the trademark is not utilised for longer than five (5) years after registration, cancellation procedures based on lack of use may be taken against the trademark registration.
Filing Trademark
Our Trademark Attorney will investigate whether Rwandan trademark registration is eligible for protection. The skilled trademark attorney will file and pursue the trademark applications at the Rwanda Trademarks Registry after the trademark has been verified.
Documents Required
- The applicant’s name, address, and country of origin;
- One copy of the suggested trademark, including word marks in regular font;
- A list of products and services;
- A list of the classes
- Application number for priority, country, and date, if applicable;
- Power of Attorney (which needs to be notarized)
Trademark Renewal
The trademark is registered for the first ten years from the date of filing, and after that, it is perpetually renewed every ten years. After paying a late renewal cost, a trademark renewal request may be made during the ten (10) month grace period following expiration.
If the trademark is not utilised for longer than five (5) years after registration, cancellation procedures based on lack of use may be taken against the trademark registration.
Contact Us
To schedule a consultation and take the first step towards securing your intellectual property.