Filing Requirement

  • Applicant’s details
  • Representation of a trademark
  • List of the goods and/or services
  • Payment of the prescribed fee.
  • It is not necessary to have the POA form legalised. It is necessary to send a scanned copy of a simply signed Power of Attorney as soon as possible, but no later than three months after OAPI’s official action requesting the POA. The document should include the name and capacity of the executor, as well as the date and location of execution.

Trademark Renewal

After the date of filing, the trademark in OAPI is valid for ten years. This term may be extended for an infinite number of additional 10-year terms. Fees for renewals may be paid up to a year before the protection period expires. Within six months of the trademark’s expiration date, it is possible to renew it late in OAPI by paying the fine in addition to the renewal payments. The only way for the applicant to recover rights in the trademark is by submitting a restoration application if the renewal is not paid within this grace period. The restoration application must be submitted no later than two years after the original deadline for renewal.

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