
  • A simple power of attorney signed.
  • Fifteen trademark prints (word marks do not require this).
  • The list of products/services and the classes that go along with them.


Trademark Procedure

  • A local agent files the application with the Macau Economic Services – Intellectual Property Department.
  • A formal assessment, a distinctiveness examination, and a trademark search are all part of the application procedure.
  • If a sign has gained uniqueness through use, it may be registered even if it was not found to be distinctive during the evaluation.
  • Before being registered, trademark applications that the Registrar accepts are published in the official gazette twice. The initial release signifies the start of the two-month opposition period and is purely promotional in nature. The judgement of the IP Office to approve or deny registration following the completion of the examination procedure is disclosed in the second publication.
  • In Macao, the trademark registration procedure typically takes between eight and nine months to complete, depending on the condition A local agent files the application with the Macau Economic Services – Intellectual Property Department.
  • A formal assessment, a distinctiveness examination, and a trademark search are all part of the application procedure.


  • A simple power of attorney signed.
  • Fifteen trademark prints (word marks do not require this).
  • The list of products/services and the classes that go along with them.


Trademark Procedure

  • A local agent files the application with the Macau Economic Services – Intellectual Property Department.
  • A formal assessment, a distinctiveness examination, and a trademark search are all part of the application procedure.
  • If a sign has gained uniqueness through use, it may be registered even if it was not found to be distinctive during the evaluation.
  • Before being registered, trademark applications that the Registrar accepts are published in the official gazette twice. The initial release signifies the start of the two-month opposition period and is purely promotional in nature. The judgement of the IP Office to approve or deny registration following the completion of the examination procedure is disclosed in the second publication.
  • In Macao, the trademark registration procedure typically takes between eight and nine months to complete, depending on the condition A local agent files the application with the Macau Economic Services – Intellectual Property Department.
  • A formal assessment, a distinctiveness examination, and a trademark search are all part of the application procedure.

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