A trademark application can be submitted by a business, an individual, or any other kind of entity. A person who does not, however, have their place of business in Cabo Verde must have a qualified agent and provide evidence that their commercial, industrial, or professional activity is connected to the trademark.


  • Any type of entity, including a business or an individual, may file a trademark application. 
  • However, if a person does not have their place of business in Cabo Verde, 
  • They must have a licensed agent and show proof that their professional, commercial, or industrial activity is related to the trademark.


A trademark application may be submitted by any kind of entity, whether a company or an individual. A person must, however, have a licensed agent and provide evidence that their professional, commercial, or industrial activity is connected to the trademark if they do not have their place of business in Cabo Verde.


A trademark application is valid in The Benelux for ten years following the date of application. Ten-year renewal periods are available for the registration.

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