Registration of trademarks Belarus: Belarus is a party to both the Madrid Protocol and the Madrid Agreement. The Trademark Act of July 24, 2002, governs trademark protection in Belarus. Registration is required to acquire trademark protection.


A local agent is required to submit a trademark application to the Patent Office (National Center of Intellectual Property). All you need is an unregistered power of attorney. A domestic registration is not required for foreign candidates.


There is no indication of potential trademark equivalency or similarity throughout the application process—only a formal evaluation. The trademark authority issues office actions or registrations after a period of 8 to 24 months. The trademark is published in the “Gazette for Industrial Property of the Republic of Belarus” following registration. Please take note that there are no formal mechanisms in Belarus for taking into account oppositions during the application and registration process.


In Belarus, a trademark registration is effective from the registration date for a period of ten years. For ten years, the registration is renewed.

Registration of trademarks Belarus: Belarus is a party to both the Madrid Protocol and the Madrid Agreement. The Trademark Act of July 24, 2002, governs trademark protection in Belarus. Registration is required to acquire trademark protection.


A local agent is required to submit a trademark application to the Patent Office (National Center of Intellectual Property). All you need is an unregistered power of attorney. A domestic registration is not required for foreign candidates.


There is no indication of potential trademark equivalency or similarity throughout the application process—only a formal evaluation. The trademark authority issues office actions or registrations after a period of 8 to 24 months. The trademark is published in the “Gazette for Industrial Property of the Republic of Belarus” following registration. Please take note that there are no formal mechanisms in Belarus for taking into account oppositions during the application and registration process.


In Belarus, a trademark registration is effective from the registration date for a period of ten years. For ten years, the registration is renewed.

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