The goal of Maltese law is to protect intellectual property (IP) in a way that is equitable for users of IP-protected goods and sufficiently safeguards and compensates IP creators and owners. It is aligned with all current European Union legislation in this regard. The process for registering a trademark in Malta is governed by the Trademarks Act, Chapter 597 of the Laws of Malta, as amended by the new Trademark Rules, 2021 (Legal Notice 50 of 2021).


  • Information about the Candidate
  • A list of the Nice Classes and the products or services for which the application is being requested
  • A distinct depiction of the mark
  • A declaration of intent regarding priority (in the event that the applicant wants to benefit from an earlier application)
  • If the applicant wants to use color as a distinguishing characteristic of the mark, they must specify which color or colors they want to use.

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